
Work by:
Nicola Unger (DE)
Danja Vasiliev (RU)
Michelle Teran [CAN] & Isabelle Jenniches [NL]
Nathan Menglef (USA)
Nancy Mauro-Flude (AUS)
Walter Langelaar (NL)
Jesse Darlin’ (UK)
Scot Cotterell (AUS)
Martin John Callanan (UK)

Essays by:
“Casting Away” by Francesca da Rimini,
“GOD LISTENS TO SLAYER” by Andrew Harper

Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts, University of Tasmania, Hunter St, Hobart.
Exhibition: 10 October – 31 October, 12:00- 17:00 daily EST.

encoding_experience/10_October_2008_18:00_EST.* is the first of a series of exhibitions inspired by the ways in which artists are embracing critical, hands on interventive strategies towards the understanding of, and experimentation with technology.

The concept for this show was initiated and developed by Nancy Mauro-Flude, in collaboration with Scot Cotterell.
