Posts Tagged 'workshop data carving moddr berlin xxxxx'

data carving workshop at xxxxx
November 7th 2PM: data carving workshop at xxxxx, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119 information excavation, digital archeology, offline privacy During the workshop we will explore the contents of found hard-disks (hard-disque trouvé). Using methods borrowed from computer digital forensics
October 27, 2009 /
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data carving workshop at xxxxx
November 7th 2PM: data carving workshop at xxxxx, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119 information excavation, digital archeology, offline privacy During the workshop we will explore the contents of found hard-disks (hard-disque trouvé). Using methods borrowed from computer digital forensics
October 27, 2009 /
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