
introducing: Action Research
get your tickets here join moddr_ and Dr. Markus Hafner ( aka Renfah ) on October 27th for ‘$$TM – Rotterdam’ A one-day workshop exploring the field of ‘participatory action research‘, this time focusing specifically on the current cultural landscape

introducing: Action Research
get your tickets here join moddr_ and Dr. Markus Hafner ( aka Renfah ) on October 27th for ‘$$TM – Rotterdam’ A one-day workshop exploring the field of ‘participatory action research‘, this time focusing specifically on the current cultural landscape

Extended View Toolkit @moddr_
Today our new residents Peter Venus and Marian Weger have arrived and set up their workstations at moddr_ lab. During the coming week they will be working on the development of a new version of the Extended View Toolkit,

Extended View Toolkit @moddr_
Today our new residents Peter Venus and Marian Weger have arrived and set up their workstations at moddr_ lab. During the coming week they will be working on the development of a new version of the Extended View Toolkit,

Babycastles Cyborg Arcade workshop!
On June 18th 2012 the Babycastles Cyborg Arcade Workshop took place at WORM Rotterdam. Together with Kunal Gupta (Babycastles) and Thu Tran (Food Party / Girl Talk) participants gave birth to a litter of cyborg arcade cabinets. We combined independent

Babycastles Cyborg Arcade workshop!
On June 18th 2012 the Babycastles Cyborg Arcade Workshop took place at WORM Rotterdam. Together with Kunal Gupta (Babycastles) and Thu Tran (Food Party / Girl Talk) participants gave birth to a litter of cyborg arcade cabinets. We combined independent

Sofy Yuditskaya residency
March 12th through 20th NYC-based Sofy Yuditskaya will do a short residency to work on her latest project involving a dancer, gestural recognition, osc, pixels and soundfiles. Sofy (@horusVacui) is a non-disciplinary researcher and practitioner, examining the nature of human

Sofy Yuditskaya residency
March 12th through 20th NYC-based Sofy Yuditskaya will do a short residency to work on her latest project involving a dancer, gestural recognition, osc, pixels and soundfiles. Sofy (@horusVacui) is a non-disciplinary researcher and practitioner, examining the nature of human

November Resides …
in November we welcome two new residents: Tim Schwartz from Venice, Los Angeles, is coming over to bomb your mobile devices with tailor made image-stream madness over WiFi – and G. Lucas Crane from New York (of Woods, NonHorse and

November Resides …
in November we welcome two new residents: Tim Schwartz from Venice, Los Angeles, is coming over to bomb your mobile devices with tailor made image-stream madness over WiFi – and G. Lucas Crane from New York (of Woods, NonHorse and

lab_updates ::
WORM‘s medialab (a.k.a. moddr_) is up and almost running again; as an addition to the 3D-printer we built just before summer, we’re now adding a homebrew 3D-scanner and lasercutter(!) to the toolchain. Expect some fresh workshops in coming weeks, topics

lab_updates ::
WORM‘s medialab (a.k.a. moddr_) is up and almost running again; as an addition to the 3D-printer we built just before summer, we’re now adding a homebrew 3D-scanner and lasercutter(!) to the toolchain. Expect some fresh workshops in coming weeks, topics

WE_♥♥♥ > BINL♥ER
“This entire website has no content rating to provide FREE access for all. We are not interested in your complaints about this website. If you feel offended by this website and its content you can raise your complaint here. BINL♥ER

WE_♥♥♥ > BINL♥ER
“This entire website has no content rating to provide FREE access for all. We are not interested in your complaints about this website. If you feel offended by this website and its content you can raise your complaint here. BINL♥ER

Our first and the only artist in residence is Tobias Leingruber aka Tobi-x – digital experimenter, media prankster and net non-artist. Tobi is developing a whole new gen of provocative and speculative Firefox add-ons, which when used [un]consciously will disrupt

Our first and the only artist in residence is Tobias Leingruber aka Tobi-x – digital experimenter, media prankster and net non-artist. Tobi is developing a whole new gen of provocative and speculative Firefox add-ons, which when used [un]consciously will disrupt