press release: Web application Commodify.Us has launched!
from our friends at Commodify, Inc. :: For immediate release [November 25, 2013]: Launch of web application Commodify.Us https://commodify.us They make money from your data. Why shouldn’t you? Ever wonder what becomes of all
press release: Web application Commodify.Us has launched!
from our friends at Commodify, Inc. :: For immediate release [November 25, 2013]: Launch of web application Commodify.Us https://commodify.us They make money from your data. Why shouldn’t you? Ever wonder what becomes of all

di4lo9 @ ada space : network : memory Dunedin, NZ
Birgit Bachler’s di4lo9 is an iteration of Discrete Dialogue Network, to be premiering at the ADA space : network : memory symposium in Dunedin, NZ. sez Birgit: “After having done lots of research on alternative/emergency networks here in NZ, I

di4lo9 @ ada space : network : memory Dunedin, NZ
Birgit Bachler’s di4lo9 is an iteration of Discrete Dialogue Network, to be premiering at the ADA space : network : memory symposium in Dunedin, NZ. sez Birgit: “After having done lots of research on alternative/emergency networks here in NZ, I

vr13sep2013: Anti-Media lezing door Florian Cramer
Official launch event for the book “Anti-Media” by Florian Cramer, research professor at Hogeschool Rotterdam and dean of WORM’s Parallel University. >>FREE ENTRY<< The book is a collection of essays on high and low culture, avant-garde and trash: 17th century

vr13sep2013: Anti-Media lezing door Florian Cramer
Official launch event for the book “Anti-Media” by Florian Cramer, research professor at Hogeschool Rotterdam and dean of WORM’s Parallel University. >>FREE ENTRY<< The book is a collection of essays on high and low culture, avant-garde and trash: 17th century

moddr_ @BigBrotherAwards
showing our new / upcoming project Commodify.Us ! Who will win a prestigious Big Brother Award at the upcoming ceremonies in Amsterdam? Find out at the ninth edition of the Big Brother Awards The Netherlands, held on August 29th 2013

moddr_ @BigBrotherAwards
showing our new / upcoming project Commodify.Us ! Who will win a prestigious Big Brother Award at the upcoming ceremonies in Amsterdam? Find out at the ninth edition of the Big Brother Awards The Netherlands, held on August 29th 2013

ISOC award nomination
we just got nominated by the Dutch chapter of the Internet Society in the category of ‘Internet and the Arts’! great as it is already, we’re also in good company – with the likes of JODI, Constant Dullaert and Aymeric

ISOC award nomination
we just got nominated by the Dutch chapter of the Internet Society in the category of ‘Internet and the Arts’! great as it is already, we’re also in good company – with the likes of JODI, Constant Dullaert and Aymeric

@Remediating the Social
Birgit and Walter are in Edinburgh attending the excellent ELMCIP conference ‘Remediating the Social’, hosted by Edinburgh College of Art in collaboration with New Media Scotland and University College Falmouth within the framework of the ELMCIP research project. “The conference

@Remediating the Social
Birgit and Walter are in Edinburgh attending the excellent ELMCIP conference ‘Remediating the Social’, hosted by Edinburgh College of Art in collaboration with New Media Scotland and University College Falmouth within the framework of the ELMCIP research project. “The conference

dope body more info at the WORM site here’s one if you’re around Rotterdam this Saturday: join our workshop with Markus Hafner a.k.a. Renfah in the afternoon, and get in for free at the evening event as well! you can

dope body more info at the WORM site here’s one if you’re around Rotterdam this Saturday: join our workshop with Markus Hafner a.k.a. Renfah in the afternoon, and get in for free at the evening event as well! you can

Hackerspaces.nl Open Dag!
sez ‘hackerspaces.nl‘: “Op 31 maart 2012 openen hackerspaces in Nederland hun deuren voor iedereen die wil weten wat hackers bezighoudt en waar zij mee bezig zijn. Nederland telt momenteel tien hackerspaces. Een hackerspace is een ontmoetingsplek en werkplaats, waar technologisch

Hackerspaces.nl Open Dag!
sez ‘hackerspaces.nl‘: “Op 31 maart 2012 openen hackerspaces in Nederland hun deuren voor iedereen die wil weten wat hackers bezighoudt en waar zij mee bezig zijn. Nederland telt momenteel tien hackerspaces. Een hackerspace is een ontmoetingsplek en werkplaats, waar technologisch

~~ /moddr_/home/re/.configure ~~
almost done! While http://www.ixisus.nl/ is working on our new identity, have a look here, here and here.

~~ /moddr_/home/re/.configure ~~
almost done! While http://www.ixisus.nl/ is working on our new identity, have a look here, here and here.

lab_updates ::
WORM‘s medialab (a.k.a. moddr_) is up and almost running again; as an addition to the 3D-printer we built just before summer, we’re now adding a homebrew 3D-scanner and lasercutter(!) to the toolchain. Expect some fresh workshops in coming weeks, topics

lab_updates ::
WORM‘s medialab (a.k.a. moddr_) is up and almost running again; as an addition to the 3D-printer we built just before summer, we’re now adding a homebrew 3D-scanner and lasercutter(!) to the toolchain. Expect some fresh workshops in coming weeks, topics

The Cellsbutton festival organised by HONF (House of Natural Fiber) took place in Yogyakarta from the 15th to the 21st of July 2011. The festival featured exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops; primarily focussing on education. The workshop Solar[Cellsbutton] given by Selena

The Cellsbutton festival organised by HONF (House of Natural Fiber) took place in Yogyakarta from the 15th to the 21st of July 2011. The festival featured exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops; primarily focussing on education. The workshop Solar[Cellsbutton] given by Selena

Low Lives 3 networked performance fest
moddr_/WORM participated in the third edition of Low Lives, an international festival of live performance-based works transmitted via the internet and projected in real time at multiple venues throughout the U.S. and around the world. Low Lives examines works that

Low Lives 3 networked performance fest
moddr_/WORM participated in the third edition of Low Lives, an international festival of live performance-based works transmitted via the internet and projected in real time at multiple venues throughout the U.S. and around the world. Low Lives examines works that

HONF + moddr_ = indonesian tour
As a collaboration between HONF and moddr_/WORM we went on a tour to Indonesia! On the route between Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and Jakarta we give digital privacy workshops and lectures. Lots of great people and places, more on this in

HONF + moddr_ = indonesian tour
As a collaboration between HONF and moddr_/WORM we went on a tour to Indonesia! On the route between Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and Jakarta we give digital privacy workshops and lectures. Lots of great people and places, more on this in

Honorary Mention at Ars2010
and featured in the TELE-INTERNET – The 2010 Ars Electronica Internet Shop!

Honorary Mention at Ars2010
and featured in the TELE-INTERNET – The 2010 Ars Electronica Internet Shop!

Torrent-Charts moddr_ #1
It is with great excitement we are telling you that our course handbook “BBB” is leading this week’s torrent charts (Category: Other OS) on thepiratebay.org with an incredible amount of 419 Seeders! We even left behind the most popular Linux

Torrent-Charts moddr_ #1
It is with great excitement we are telling you that our course handbook “BBB” is leading this week’s torrent charts (Category: Other OS) on thepiratebay.org with an incredible amount of 419 Seeders! We even left behind the most popular Linux

the Digital Soil[ed]
link to full programme details here this FOO_bar we will focus on our digital footprints in more-or-less analog soil, with a presentation of the Network Insecurity workshop by Danja Vasiliev and Julian Oliver, the final (or is it still beta?)

the Digital Soil[ed]
link to full programme details here this FOO_bar we will focus on our digital footprints in more-or-less analog soil, with a presentation of the Network Insecurity workshop by Danja Vasiliev and Julian Oliver, the final (or is it still beta?)

an evening showcasing new tools for artists, on the programme: The Tagtool crew (AU) presents “Die haarsträubenden Irrfahrten des Hilti”, which can be roughly translated as “Hilti’s Oddyssey of Oddities”, and features the fearsome space mechanic Hilti who travels the

an evening showcasing new tools for artists, on the programme: The Tagtool crew (AU) presents “Die haarsträubenden Irrfahrten des Hilti”, which can be roughly translated as “Hilti’s Oddyssey of Oddities”, and features the fearsome space mechanic Hilti who travels the
The charming crew from OMA International is dropping by in our studio to give a TagTool DIY workshop plus an additional guerilla outside drawing performance. The Tagtool is a performative visual instrument used on stage and on the street. It
The charming crew from OMA International is dropping by in our studio to give a TagTool DIY workshop plus an additional guerilla outside drawing performance. The Tagtool is a performative visual instrument used on stage and on the street. It

Jahtari, RASTASOFT and S.L.U.G.
Saturday 17.10.09 @ WORM; Jahtari label presentations, RASTASOFT’s Jaromil and S.L.U.G.! Jahtari, or how to create 100% soulful music with a machine for excreting zeros and ones. The sympathetic label from Leipzig that has created a name with full phat

Jahtari, RASTASOFT and S.L.U.G.
Saturday 17.10.09 @ WORM; Jahtari label presentations, RASTASOFT’s Jaromil and S.L.U.G.! Jahtari, or how to create 100% soulful music with a machine for excreting zeros and ones. The sympathetic label from Leipzig that has created a name with full phat

Neanderthal Electronics Workshop
a workshop by Derek Holzer : More than 40,000 years ago, our Neanderthal predecessors invented the first music instruments from simple objects around them (bones and stones, sticks and skins…), without reference to any existing music history, and primarily for

Neanderthal Electronics Workshop
a workshop by Derek Holzer : More than 40,000 years ago, our Neanderthal predecessors invented the first music instruments from simple objects around them (bones and stones, sticks and skins…), without reference to any existing music history, and primarily for